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the Spanner Trust

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the Spanner Trust
Norvin House
45-55 Commercial St
London E1 6BD

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About The Spanner Trust


The Criminal Justice and Immigration Act (CJIA) became law in May 2008.

This law makes it illegal to possess pornographic images which show an act which threatens a person’s life, an act which results, or is likely to result, in serious injury to a person’s anus, breasts or genitals, an act which involves sexual interference with a human corpse, or a person performing an act of intercourse or oral sex with an animal (whether dead or alive).

The section of the Act relating to extreme pornography takes effect from 26 January 2009.

You can download a leaflet explaining what the law says and how to protect yourself here.

One of the defences available is that the images depict the consensual activities of the owner of the image. However as many SM activities are currently illegal it is now vitally important that we get as much support as possible to change the law on consent and injuries sustained during sex.

A PDF of the relevant sections of the Act can be found here.

A PDF of the Ministry of Justice Information Sheet on this section of the CJIA can be downloaded here.

This sheet contains refence to a recent ruling (R v Porter) concerning what "possession" means in terms of Internet images. For the legally minded a copy of this judgment can be found here.

The Spanner Trust exists to defend the rights of sadomasochists of all sexual orientations and specifically to reverse the UK court ruling which made certain SM activities illegal even though all parties consent.

This web site contains documents detailing the history of the Spanner case, press releases detailing the Trust's activities, submissions to various bodies on the issue of SM and legal advice.

Have you heard of a recent court case in the UK where someone has been charged with assault because of injuries which occurred during consensual SM sex?
If so click here and tell us about it.

Download our latest campaigning leaflet.

We are currently working on a challenge to the Spanner ruling in the High Court. This activity will be very expensive and we need as much financial support as possible. If you would like to make a donation to support our work please click here.

You can support the Spanner Trust by carrying our banner ad on your web site.You can get the code to place on your web pages or use the graphic below.


The Spanner Trust always tries to ensure that all information provided is accurate and up-to-date. However, the law can change and is open to interpretation. Before relying upon any statement made by the Spanner Trust you should take your own independent legal advice and the Spanner Trust cannot accept any liability whatsoever.